By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman
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Tuesday Top 10: Hilarious Comics That Will Instantly Brighten Your Day
Need a midweek pick-me-up? Check out our Tuesday Top 10—a collection of hilarious comics guaranteed to brighten your day. Whether you’re here for clever captions or laugh-out-loud moments, these are sure to put a smile on your face. Take a break, scroll through, and let the laughs roll in! PLUGGERS When pulling off a sweater feels like finishing an Olympic triathlon. ZITS Clearly, snacks are the only priority. NEVER BEEN DEADER Office Goals: Deadpan Team Spirit RHYMES WITH ORANGE Why just wait in traffic when you can redecorate? BIZARRO When life gives you opposites, just take the scenic route. SHOE Stealth Candy Tactics 101 MACANUDO Beware the Jabberwock! TINA’S GROOVE When your handwriting is the only thing you can write home about. CROCK Who needs a ballroom when the trailer park laundry room has ambiance? SAM & SILO When it comes to dogs, cats are all “paws off” diplomacy. BEETLE BAILEY A Peeling Layers of History10 Comics to Make You Grateful This Thanksgiving – A Feast of Laughter from Comics Kingdom
This Thanksgiving, we’re serving up more than just turkey and pie – we’re dishing out some of the funniest and most heartwarming comics from Comics Kingdom! Whether you’re celebrating with family and friends or flying solo, these ten strips are sure to bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart. From holiday hilarity to everyday gratitude, these comics remind us all to find joy in the little things. six-chix/2020-11-21 Remember that your pets are part of the family, too. They deserve a special Thanksgiving dinner of their own! mutts/2024-11-28 Giving Thanks, the Turkey-Approved Way zits/2024-11-28 sally-forth/2024-11-28 blondie/2018-11-22 Leftovers are special enough to get recognition from the heart. hi-and-lois/2019-11-28 Something to be REALLY thankful for… take-it-from-the-tinkersons/2024-11-28 rhymes-with-orange/2024-11-28 brilliant-mind-of-edison-lee/2024-11-28 family-circus/2024-11-28Comics That Creep: A Halloween Roundup of Spooktacular Comics Through the Decades
Halloween isn’t just a time for trick-or-treating—it’s also the perfect excuse for cartoonists to get creative with some spooky humor! Here’s a roundup of classic Halloween-themed comic strips that will have you howling with laughter (or maybe shivering in your boots!). Looks like the office is really ‘spooking’ up productivity! When you’re just dying to start decorating for Halloween. Spooky Love: Gomez and Morticia Style 7 Scary Things For Parents To Hear On Halloween When even the dog joins the costume party, but mom gets a pass. Looks like the “trick” was on his stomach after all those “treats.” She’s got the “fangs” and the “flair” — the perfect Halloween wear! When Your Halloween Costumes Are Good Enough to Eat! Trick-or-Treating… A Day Late! Horror movies? Curtis is dying to watch them all! Looks like the Collinses were playing trick-or-regift! Spook Level: So High, It Comes with an Age Limit!Editor’s Dispatch: Happy 100th Birthday, Charles Schulz!
Hi, all! I hope you are recovering from your Thanksgiving feasts if you celebrate! Today, Saturday, November 26, is a very important day for comics history: the 100th birthday of Charles “Sparky” Schulz, the creator of Peanuts, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time. Usually, we only post about birthdays related to King Features comics, but Mr. Schulz was such an inspiration and good friend to so many of our cartoonists and had so much influence on the direction of not just comics but pop culture in the 20th century that we wanted to celebrate his legacy. Patrick McDonnell, the creator of MUTTS, spearheaded this project in collaboration with the Charles M. Schulz Museum to celebrate this special birthday! As you look around Comics Kingdom today, you will see many of cartoonists have contributed to this celebration by honoring Mr. Schulz in their comic strips. Here is a collection where you can see them all together! Todd the Dinoaur by Patrick Roberts Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis Rhymes With Orange by Hilary Price & Rina PIccolo The Lockhorns by Bunny Hoest and John Reiner Daddy […]AN INTERVIEW WITH JEREMY FROM ‘ZITS’
Jeremy Duncan is a 16-year old high school student from Ohio who aspires to be a musician. Along with his friends Pierce and Hector, he formed a band called “Goat Cheese Pizza” and hopes to tour the country in his dad’s minivan. Warped Tour may be no more, but “Goat Cheese Pizza” will ensure the spirit of the festival lives on in their shows! That is, of course, if they can get some allowance from their parents first. Besides being musically talented, Jeremy is very intelligent and is always excelling in his exams. Yet, being a teenager comes with its share of mood swings, as his parents informs us. “He truly is a bright kid,” says his father Walt Duncan, “but I just wish he could just put that phone down and make some sense when he talks. I mean, does he not know that I’m actually a Gen X and not a Boomer??.” In this current day and age of COVID-19, Jeremy’s plans for touring the country have been put on hold (though his parents insist that is a lie and it was never gonna happen anyway) […]zitsguys on Instagram
Come for a peek behind the scenes here at Zits world headquarters by following zitsguys on Instagram. We promise one of the more random experiences you’ve had since emptying your teenager’s backpack.How Do I Find Old Zits Strips?
The questions we’re most frequently asked is, “One time, like maybe three years ago, or possibly ten, you did this strip where the kid is wearing big shoes, and he says something to somebody, and it was really funny. Could you find the date for me?” You might be surprised to learn that we here at Zits World Headquarters have no more idea how to find it than you do. After we finish a strip we toss it out our 97th floor window and hit Happy Hour at the Make It Go Away Bar & Grill downstairs. But — surprise! — you can find that strip yourself without breaking a sweat. To the right of this blog there’s a search window called “Search Blog.” Enter a few key words and you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. You can also try: http://www.comicstriparchive.com/Zits/ or http://cartoonistgroup.com Happy hunting! Jim and JerryEditor’s Dispatch: Happy Valentine’s Week, and some love for Zits: Shredded!
Ahh, February– full of snow, cold, runny noses, and CHOCOLATE. I’m excited for Valentine’s Day; are you? I’m also excited to announce that YASLA, the Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, has selected our second ZITS illustrated novel, SHREDDED as one of their 2015 Quick Picks. Read more about SHREDDED: a ZITS illustrated novel, now a YASLA 2015 Quick Pick. The member librarians select a limited number of books for children and young adults each year that they recommend for reluctant readers. Buy SHREDDED: a ZITS illustrated novel on Amazon! It’s a great gift for reluctant Valentines, too!Danish Zits
Zits has a new comic book in Denmark. Issues #1 and 2 are out and they look quite handsome. Here’s the cover of issue #1. You’ll want to keep it hermetically sealed in the wrapper for eventual auction.The newest Zits collection is almost here
Just received the advance copies of our newest Zits collection. It should be available for purchase very soon. The cover was a design challenge, but I think we came up with a really cool treatment. The photo can’t quite do it justice… you gotta see it in person at your local bookstore!