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Pardon My Planet

By Vic Lee


About Pardon My Planet

Pardon My Planet is a visual record of the nincompoopities of the human spirit. This imaginatively sly panel peeks under the veil of the taboo and paints a smiley face on the shroud. Deftly balancing the tightrope of political correctness, Pardon My Planet gives us a rubbernecker’s eye-view into the boarded up attic of the human psyche.

In much the same way Charles Adams tweaked the norms of mainstream cartoons, Vic Lee twists a wide variety of subject matter ranging from courtship, marriage and divorce to birth, death, the afterlife and all the fears in between, including doctors, lawyers, monsters, and puberty.

Eschewing the silly and safe, Pardon My Planet is a panel for today’s educated readers. By finding humor in all that makes us uncomfortable, Lee provides a sense of resolve about the fickleness of life and lets us all laugh at the goof-ball foibles of real people, laying bare the annoyances and eccentricities of the human race.

Pardon My Planet appears in more than 130 newspapers including the Los Angeles Times, Toronto Star, Chicago Sun-Times, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Newsday, Detroit Free-Press, Philadelphia Inquirer, Denver Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Perth Western Australianer to name a few.

If there is intelligent life in the universe, may it forgive us our shortcomings and celebrate our spirit.

Meet the Creator
