Mike Smith
About Mike Smith
Mike Smith has been a professionalcartoonist for more than 30 years. Smith works for the Las Vegas Sun,which first started running his work while he was still a senior in college. Inaddition to drawing a daily cartoon five days a week for the Sun,Smith also draws YouToon, a cartoon caption contest for USAToday. He is the author of Nuts for Racing, acollection of his cartoons on NASCAR racing. His work has appeared in the LosAngeles Times, Newsweek, Time, The Washington Post and The NewYork Times.
Meet the Creator
Mike Smith
Mike Smith was born in San Francisco in 1960. After graduating from Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose, Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in humanities from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles in 1982.He knew that he wanted to be a professional cartoonist the moment he saw how much trouble his cartoons created when they […]