Jim Keefe
Hi! Jim Keefe here, cartoonist of the Sally Forth comic strip. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved to draw. Back then, it was all things Spider-Man, which eventually led me to the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art. After graduating, I got a job as the colorist on staff at King Features Syndicate, working on such world-renowned comic strips as Blondie, Beetle Bailey, and Hagar the Horrible. From there, I landed my first big gig, writing and drawing the Flash Gordon comic strip. Since then, I’ve had a number of different freelance jobs, from lettering Manga and producing graphic art for numerous publishers to teaching Comic Art – SVA in Manhattan, Hofstra’s UCCE Youth Programs, and most recently, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. In 2010 I began assisting cartoonist Craig Macintosh on Sally Forth which eventually led to taking the reins when he decided to step down in 2013.
Francesco and I have a unique spin on what we think a comic strip should look like. With 10+ years under my belt working on Sally Forth, I feel like I’m just hitting my stride. I hope you stay tuned!