
Timeline – 2011 Part 5

By Brian Walker

In the Sunday page above, Sarge reminds Beetle about his place in the universe. When Sarge gives speeches like these, it is often a teaching moment.

Mort Walker liked to share his homespun beliefs and political thoughts with readers. In his 2000 autobiography, Mort Walker’s Private Scrapbook, he wrote, “The comic strip is one of the few mediums that allow one person to express his philosophy, his anger, his joy and his disappointment in mankind without restriction. It is one of the purest forms of art and expression that exists.”

In the Sunday page below, Beetle has a chance to share his unique perspective on life.

Of course, when Beetle waxes philosophically, it is usually just an excuse to goof off.

Next week we will be moving on to 2012 in our Timeline series so be sure to check back here for another classic from the collection.

– Brian Walker