Today is National Shark Awareness Day! What better way to celebrate than with a nice little Top Ten list for our finned friends? And no, the jumping roaring shark from Jaws: The Revenge is not present.
1) Mutts
So that means the Megalodon could still out there somewhere…
2) Hagar The Horrible
Who wants to put that theory to the test?
3) Bizarro
The ocean is a tool box.
4) Carpe Diem
Some customers can easily blow up on you like that.
5) Sherman’s Lagoon
Just a bunch of Great Whites vibing and listening to the Jaws theme.
6) Rhymes With Orange
A new shark-owned bistro has just opened in town, and we hear they only serve freshly-caught meats.
7) Mother Goose & Grimm
We need a good hashtag for this.
8) Take It From The Tinkersons
Someone has seen too much ‘Jaws.’
9) Arctic Circle
Let’s save the sharks…because they are swimming in our soup.
10) Marvin
Save all the sharks…except the ‘Baby Shark Doo-Doo-Doo.’