Meet the Crew of ShipIT, Inc. in Bill Bettwy’s #sales!
Bill Bettwy, the creator of Take it From the Tinkersons, has brought us #sales, a comic about the hapless sales team of ShipIt, inc, who are…varyingly good at their jobs.
The sales team at ShipIT, under the watchful eye of Sales Director José, all have their sales strategies down pat…from Matty, the ex-jock who still depends on his boyish charm instead of basic preparation to Tammy, the know-it-all whose main sales strategy involves stealing other people’s customers, the team at ShipIT relies on a lot of old– and a few unheard of– tricks to get the job done!
You’ll be able to find #Sales on Comics Kingdom three days a week, MWF. Bill is also running animated gifs alongside the comic in the #Sales blog! We hope you’ll enjoy meeting the team at ShipIT and think of them the next time you’re in an interminable meeting!