It was a hard feat putting together this list without even yawning. Here’s this week’s Top Ten Comics on Napping, but first let’s just take a nap…
You’re back? Ok read on.
1) Mutts
January 2, 2017
Once again, Happy New Year! Time for a nap.
2) Zits
Jeremy must be related to Rip Van Winkle.
3) The Lockhorns
Is it really that hard to be a silence sleeper??
4) Six Chix
Someone here is finally asking the right questions. What are your answers?
5) Beetle Bailey
When it comes to napping and avoidng Sarge, Beetle is always two steps ahead of his game.
6) Blondie
You thought we would make a list about napping and not include the king of naps himself?? The man dreams about napping while he naps, for cryin’ out loud!
7) Hagar The Horrible
Priorities, Helga!
8) Dustin
That’s what job-hunting does to you. Or not looking for a job at all.
9) Hi and Lois
We don’t really sleep “like babies” until we become adults.
10) Intelligent Life
The most important thing to do on your day off.