‘Tis the night before Christmas! Santa is currently speeding around the world delivering presents right now so in the meantime, allow us to entertain you with another yearly list of Top Ten Comics on Christmas! From all of us here in Comics Kingdom, we would like to wish everybody Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!
1) Marvin
Marvin is already expecting more toys.
2) Mother Goose & Grimm
A Realistic Christmas Carol
3) Hi and Lois
Christmas is a time of giving.
4) Intelligent Life
It’s okay to be on the naughty list when you’re an adult.
5) Blondie
Who needs a reindeer when you got a magical dog?
6) Between Friends
Our loved ones are responsible for the color in our lives.
7) Zits
Sleeping in on Christmas Day is no longer biologically possible after 16 years, it seems.
8) Sally Forth
Some Christmas presents are just here to stay forever.
9) Baby Blues
Sometimes, parenting can be the best Christmas present.
10) The Lockhorns
Oh boy! Gotta get a head-start on those presents, then!