

By Edgar Ortiz

Friday has arrived! Let’s celebrate by looking back at our editorial staff’s top picks for this week.


Also, stick around towards the end for some extra goodies!


1) Between Friends

September 23, 2019

This week, Susan took it upon herself to start exercising more seriously and going to the gym more often. She even set up a schedule and changed up her diet! The question is…Will she actually follow through with it?


2) The Family Circus

September 24, 2019

Wait ’till you learn about shapes and angles.


3) Arctic Circle

September 25, 2019

Let’s be real: Those sounds would alert pedestrians more than regular car horns.


4) Bizarro

September 26, 2019

Inspiration normally comes from the most unlikeliest of places. We wonder what side gigs other painters had…


5) Dennis The Menace

September 27, 2019

Make no promises!






Our very own Hilary Price, cartoonist for Rhymes With Orange, recently wrote a blog post on her website answering an age-old question: Why so few women appear in comics? Check out her answer and more interesting reads right here!