Timeline – 1966 Part 1
Hi and Lois Sunday page color proof, March 13, 1966.
Trixie is the most popular member of the Hi and Lois cast. She gets more mail than any other character, particularly from grandmothers who are sure their grandchildren are thinking the same thoughts. Trixie has added many new dimensions to her personality over the years. She is cute and cuddly, as babies should be. She is also resourceful, perceptive and downright defiant at times. She looks at the world through the window of the Flagston home and sees things no one else can. She loves to feel the warmth of her friend the sunbeam shining on her face. Inside her thought balloons is a running commentary on family life and human behavior.
“Trixie is so clever,” Dik Browne once claimed, “because she has one of America’s great comic strip writers providing her with material.” She is also very lovable because of the way Dik drew her.
In the charming Sunday page above, Hi volunteers to get Trixie ready for bed. He tickles her in the bathtub, vigorously rubs her dry, playfully puts her pajamas on and tosses her in the air to say good night. In the end, she is too worked up to get to sleep.
This is the first installment from 1966 in our Timeline series. Stay tooned for more classic episodes from an outstanding period in the history of Hi and Lois.
– Brian Walker