Balls O’ Fire! Thar’s A NEW Snuffy Smith Book!
The cover of our new Snuffy Smith book collection, available for sale on
That’s right, Snuffy Smith fans, we have a NEW book! King Features just announced the publication of my second bodacious collection of Barney Google and Snuffy Smith comic strips! In this volume, I selected more than 350 of my favorite comic strips from 2013-2015. This edition also features back cover text written by the wonderful Willie and Korie Robertson of the popular TV show, Duck Dynasty.
Many, many thanks to Willie and Korie Robertson for writing the back cover text for our new book!
A few weeks ago, members of my family and I visited with my King Features editors in New York City to meet about the release of Balls Of Fire! More Snuffy Smith Comics! Here are some photos from our visit. As you can see, we had a wonderful time in New York City and a really fun time with our friends from King Features!
My friend and editor Brendan Buford, General Manager-Syndication for King Features, knows how much the Rose family loves pizza and selected a wonderful lunch spot–Serafina’s on 55th and Broadway!
My friend and editor, Karen Moy, my daughter Sarah and my wife, Karen, enjoying a delicious lunch. In addition to being an editor, Karen Moy also does a beautiful job writing the Mary Worth comic strip.
Sarah, Karen and I with the new book at our lunch meeting.
King Features office is located in the magnificent Hearst Tower in New York City.
At the foot of the Hearst Tower.
In front of one of the decorative windows at the street level of the Hearst Tower.
I am so thankful to King Features and feel bodaciously blessed to get to create this comic strip every day. Snuffy Smith fans worldwide seemed to really enjoy our first book collection, The Bodacious Best Of Snuffy Smith, in 2013 and I hope they will enjoy this new one as well. It was a true privilege to put it together.
You can read King Features bodacious press release about the new book here!
Balls Of Fire! More Snuffy Smith Comics! is available for sale on and for $19.50. Stay tuned to this blog for announcements about upcoming book signings and appearances!
Time’s a-wastin’! Better order a copy now!