Tuesday’s Ten Comics: The Tooth Fairy
This week, Tuesday’s Top Ten Comics pays homage to The Tooth Fairy with a collection of smile-inducing Tooth Fairy-inspired comics. The Tooth Fairy, one of children’s favorite bedtime visitors, is an American tradition with European and superstitious roots. The Tooth Fairy magically knows each time a child’s baby tooth falls out, and will arrive that night giving a gift in exchange for the tooth. If, for some reason, a tooth is lost (as was the case in the “Baby Blues” comic below) or the child is away at Grandma’s house or on vacation, The Tooth Fairy always knows and will still leave a gift.
1. Dolly of “The Family Circus” wants to hire the Tooth Fairy for a job.
2. Jill Kaplan, the mother in “The Pajama Diaries” with the mile long to-do list, commits a common parenting no-no.
3. Beetle Bailey’s Sarge gets a note from the Tooth Fairy.
4. Some “Rhymes With Orange” readers might not be surprised to learn that the Tooth Fairy is a big hockey fan.
5. Outsourcing work to fairies doesn’t always bring the desired results as shown in this “Six Chix” comic by Isabella Bannerman.
6. “Marvin” questions the Tooth Fairy and the tools of her trade.
7. In this delightful “Family Circus” panel, Dolly teaches PJ about the value of a dollar and a molar.
8. Zoe in “Baby Blues” may be swallowing her next loose tooth after learning about the Tooth Fairy’s pay scale.
9. Monica, the quirky hostess in “Tina’s Groove,” chastises Tina for making promises that she can’t keep.
10. Finally, this “Bizarro” comic gives new meaning to the term: “crooked teeth.”