
Ice Bucket Challenge!!

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Snuffy Ice Bucket

Comic strip characters everywhere are participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!  Snuffy Smith was challenged by Beetle Bailey (cartoonists Greg and Mort Walker) and Outnumbered (Disney animator/cartoonist Tom Bancroft).  After taking the plunge, Snuffy Smith challenged Dennis the Menace (cartoonists Marcus Hamilton and Ron Ferdinand).

Beetle Bailey and the gang make Sarge take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (by Greg and Mort Walker). Beetle Bailey and the gang make Sarge take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (by Greg and Mort Walker).


Daddy takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (by Tom Bancroft). Daddy takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (by Tom Bancroft).

Dennis and Joey make Mr. Wilson take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Dennis and Joey make Mr. Wilson take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (by Marcus Hamilton and Ron Ferdinand).