
Zombie Burning Anger

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

bz panel 08-08-14bz strip 08-08-14bz panel 08-09-14bz strip 08-09-14Bizarro is brought to you today by Chocolate Family, Please.

These cartoons are a couple of my favorites of late. As tempting as it was to draw the zombies “running” the race, I’m happy that I chose this remote view instead, which leaves part of the gag to the reader’s imagination.

Attention young cartoonists: The reader’s imagination is key to a good gag.  

Also: Get out of cartooning now––there’s less money in it all the time and I could do without the competition.










I’ve done a lot of ventriloquist cartoons (there’s just so much fodder in the image of an adult with a talking doll) but this may be my favorite because it touches on a favorite topic of mine––the limitless capacity of humans to be superstitious and fearful of what they don’t understand. I’ll let you draw your own analogies about how this relates to modern society.

Jazz Pickles with better memories and/or powers of observation may notice that I used some art from another cartoon for much of this image. Here is a peek at that one, which is not about fear and superstition but another of my pet peeves: mandatory jury duty.







PREZARROS: This cartoon from 1999 isn’t about reacting to something you don’t understand with superstition or fear, but rather with anger. Over the years I’ve gotten a fair amount of vitriolic hate mail from people who want Bizarro to go away simply because they don’t understand it. (I often have asked them if someone is forcing them to read it.) This was my published response to that kind of mail.bz 04-09-99 AmbiguousWEB I’m pretty certain they didn’t get this one, either. To be a Jazz Pickle, you have to be willing to think around corners and I love you guys for that.