
Disastrous Profits

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro 08-10-14 hdrWEBBizarro 08-10-14 WEBBizarro is brought to you today by Graffiti.

In this imagination of the not-too-distant future, I indulge the climate change deniers with a world in which they still run things. Corporations have found that there is still more money in pollution than in intelligent energy solutions, and so the human population of Earth is left wearing expensive contraptions to protect them from the hostile environment.

Yes, I know that the climate of the Earth changes naturally and our species’ time here is likely limited one way or another, but to hasten this rare paradise’s demise for the sake of a few extra million bucks in the pockets of a handful of already-filthy-rich executives is simply idiotic. And yet, many of us continue to pretend it isn’t happening and that the whole thing is a plot by scientists to get their names in the paper.

Buy a really nice color print of the above comic here.

PALEOZARRO: Way back in the last century, I did this Sunday cartoon about a different kind of idiocy, also relating to the so-called “end of the world.” All of these scenarios is actually the end of humanity’s world. The planet will go on quite happily without us.

Bizarro 08-15-99 EndOfWorldWEB