
Dennis Wants YOU to Be Better Prepared for Disasters!

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Individuals, families, workplaces, schools and organizations are coming together to practice simple activities to stay safe before, during, and after four types of hazards: floods, wildfires, tornadoes and hurricanes.

Ron Ferdinand, cartoonist of the Sunday “Dennis the Menace” comic, has drawn an original piece of artwork to support America’s PrepareAthon!, a community-based campaign for action, coordinated by FEMA in partnership with national and local stakeholders, to increase emergency preparedness and resilience through hazard-specific drills, group discussions and exercises.


The artwork features Mr. Wilson checking off his Emergency Checklist as his wife Martha looks on approvingly. As he is checking off the last box on his checklist, Dennis walks in the room with his dog, Ruff. Mr. Wilson may want to err on the side of caution and consider adding a couple of more check boxes to his emergency plan!

It’s not too late to join Mr. Wilson and the more than 5 million people expected to participate in events across the country today and in the coming weeks and be counted in the movement.

To learn more about America’s PrepareAthon! and how you can improve your preparedness plan for your family and your community, please visit www.ready.gov/prepare.