

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Religious holidays are challenging to acknowledge in a comic strip that is read by millions of people from many different faiths.  We have to be careful not to offend anyone’s beliefs or advocate a specific religion.

Although we sometimes show the Flagston family going to church, their religious affiliation has never been specified.  It is safe to assume that they are Christians but we leave it at that.

The  Sunday page that will run tomorrow (April 20, 2014) has a reference to “the real meaning of Easter.”  For Christians this is one of the most important observances of the year.  Bunnies, baskets, bonnets, chocolates, eggs, flowers, parades and meals are among the many things that people do to celebrate the holiday but it is not what Easter is really about.  I like to occasionally point out the religious significance of the day without getting too preachy about it.

Easter is a time for rebirth.  This Sunday page pays tribute to the many joys of the season, both spiritual and sports-related.

Hi and Lois Sunday page, April 8, 2012. Hi and Lois Sunday page, April 8, 2012.

The man greeting the Flagston family in the last panel is based on Mich Zeman, the pastor of the church that my wife and I attend.  We hope all of our readers have a wonderful holiday weekend.

– Brian Walker