Pillow Talk Pollo
Bizarro is brought to you today by What I’m Not Listening To Today.
I confess I have no idea why I wrote this gag. For some reason I thought that a guy at an obgyn’s office being told he had a pillow in his shirt would be funny. Now I’m not so sure. It would’ve been a little funnier if he’d been in one of those stirrup chairs but maybe not much funnier. I can’t believe I missed that detail. Perhaps I was drunk or high or just experiencing a momentary lapse in I.Q. I don’t know the answer, but here is the result. Perhaps one or two of you will find it amusing for some personal reason.
REZARRO: Now is my chance to redeem myself with something funnier than the lame attempt above, but instead, I’m going to post another strange idea I had back in 1997. This one at least refers to a bit of common pop culture so it isn’t as lame as the one above. I hope you like it a little.