

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

I don’t usually do this sort of thing on this blog but I’m very excited about a recent acquisition and wanted to shout about it. If that’s not okay with you, you can just scuttle off to one of the other dozen-or-so sites the Interweb has to offer. I even hear you can find nekked ladies on there.

I’m a big fan of vintage motorcycles and have had a 1973 BMW R75/5 for about five years and love, love, love it. For some time now, I’ve wanted to get a BMW motorcycle from the 1960s, just before they redesigned the bikes in 1970. They’re not horribly expensive (in fact, for what I paid for both of these bikes you couldn’t buy the crappiest new car) but the older bikes don’t come up for sale often. But a few weeks back, a biker friend of mine saw one for sale in LA, told me about it, and I snapped it up!  Damn, it’s a sweet ride! I’m so stoked I could choke. (Sound of choking) See?

Here are a few pics from an impromptu photo shoot I did in my driveway last week. Hope you enjoy my joy at least a little bit! To see the images bigger, click on any headlight.

BMW R50 WEBBMW R50 Dan WEBBMW CrashMode TriptychWEB