
Fall Foliage 3

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

The Flagstons’ next-door neighbor, Thirsty Thurston, has a love-hate relationship with the season of autumn.  Throughout the year, his approach to home maintenance is laissez-faire.  He lets the grass grow in the summer and the leaves accumulate in the fall.  He would rather lounge in his lawn chair with a cold beer and watch the changing seasons than push a mower or pick up a rake.

In this vintage Sunday page from 1969, Thirsty explains to Hi why he prefers to let the leaves lie.  He was an environmentalist long before it became fashionable.

Hi and Lois Sunday page color proof, November 9, 1969. Hi and Lois Sunday page color proof, November 9, 1969.

Thirsty’s defensive rant, written by Mort Walker, is colorful, convincing and consistent with his well-established lack of character.  Dik Browne effectively captured the breezy fall atmosphere in his drawings and small details, like the leaf balanced on top of Thirsty’s hat, enhance the overall composition.

Thirsty and Hi are avid golfers and every year they try to extend the season for as long as they can.  As the leaves begin to blanket the fairways, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to find their balls.  They continue to hit the links until the snowflakes fall and the greens are covered with ice.

In this Sunday page from 2004, Hi and Thirsty are playing what could be their final round before winter arrives .  One of the bonuses of being outdoors at this time of the year is enjoying the colorful fall foliage.

Hi and Lois Sunday page, November 21, 2004. Hi and Lois Sunday page, November 21, 2004.

Chance Browne has inherited his father’s love of the season as well as his talent for rendering autumn scenes.  Thirsty’s leaf-scattering swing, inset within the final panel, helps to visually deliver the final gag.

Come back next week for some more classic Hi and Lois seasonal Sunday pages.

– Brian Walker