A Little Head
Bizarro is brought to you today by Head Swap.
My SpecialLadyFriend, Klamelda, thinks I’m crazy for drinking beer at room temperature. I only do this on chilly days; on hot days I drink it cold. Of course, she’s never been to Europe so she doesn’t know how common this practice is. In fact––great idea–– let’s nobody tell her. I’ll plan a trip to England for us and the first time she orders a pint and takes a sip, I’ll shout, “WHO’S CRAZY NOW?! WHO’S CRAZY NOW?!” Can’t wait to see the look on her face.
Back to today’s cartoon; how is this guy alive without a head? Maybe he has a strange genetic disorder in which his brain is located in his torso somewhere and runs everything from there. Maybe his neck is just smooth skin from shoulder to shoulder with a mouth in the middle, facing up. He opens it and pours in drinks or drops food into it. Would you be friends with a person like this? (Hint: it is totally politically incorrect to say “no.”)
In keeping with my new practice of featuring an older cartoon along with the new one, here’s one from eleventy-seven years ago, also about a diminutive noggin.