
Dog Blog

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

bz panel 06-11-13Bizarro is brought to you today by Prehistoric Dogs.

Many readers already know that I’m an ethical vegan, meaning that I’m vegan because I don’t believe in cruelty to animals. Vegans are routinely against hunting (in cultures where it is not necessary for survival) for obvious reasons. I am, too, but I must say that hunting is the least cruel way to put meat on your table. (Unless you’re doing it with a bow and arrow.) The suffering an animal experiences being shot in the wild is many times less than what happens to “food” animals in commercial production facilities and slaughterhouses. This is true even of “free range” and “cage free” chickens. This is an example of how FDA-approved “free range” chickens live in most cases. At least animals killed in the wild lived a natural life and died relatively suddenly. Still, I don’t hunt because I don’t feel comfortable killing things for fun.bz strip 06-11-13



This cartoon was a collaboration with my good friend and known associate, Wayno of Pittsburgh. I had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with Wayno for a few days in Pittsburgh a couple weeks ago during our annual cartoonists convention, which was a real treat. Here’s what Wayno has to say about this cartoon.