
Penal Paper

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

bz panel 05-29-13This episode of Bizarro is brought to you by Good Times.

I’m not particularly fond of drawing office scenes, especially opulent offices like the sort you expect from lawyers and judges. They’re tedious and boring. But I liked this gag from my good friend and colleague, Dan McConnell enough that I bit the bullet and did it. (Kids: do NOT bite bullets. It is cheaper to have your cheek pierced at a tattoo shop.)

Dan McC and I had a rip-snorting, out-of-control, balls-to-the-wall, cartoon-a-palooza good time at the National Cartoonists Society’s annual convention last weekend in Pittsburgh, as you can see by the photo below.McConnell




Okay, we’re not actually having a balls-to-the-wall good time in this picture, but Dan is a pretty quiet guy and it’s hard to find a picture of him having fun. Climbing up on a planter is about as wild as he gets.

Here’s Dan’s Facebook page on which he posted his original version.