
Party People

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

bz panel 05-24-13Bizarro is brought to you today by Daily News.

Sorry for the absence, Jazz Pickles. I’ve been out of town for four days at our annual National Cartoonists Society’s convention. This year it was in Pittsburgh and we had a blast.  Here are the two cartoons I missed posting last week after I’d gone, plus a few highlights and pictures from the Reubens (as we call our yearly get-together.)

This first cartoon has a fun little faux-cameo by me in the form of an anatomical model in the background. bz panel 05-25-13




While at one of our cartoonist events over the weekend, I met a family of four whose youngest son was in a stroller. He was perhaps 2-years-old and was surfing the Internet on an iPad. His mom told me that he regularly flips through my cartoons on the web. Is he a genius or an idiot? You be the judge. The family was super nice but I was afraid of the 2-year-old who could surf the web. Seems like black magic.DanJimmyHoMcCWaynoWEB







Meanwhile, back at the Reubens award dinner, I am seen here enjoying my evening with my buddies, colleagues, and collaborators, Jim Horwitz (JimmyHo), Wayno, and Dan McConnell (whose bylines in Bizarro appear as “Dan McC.”)DanJimmyHoDanMcCWaynoWEB






We don’t usually kiss this much, it’s just the effects of an open bar.DanWaynoKimH WEB






More open-bar kissing with Wayno and his adorable wife, Kim.KlugPiraroMcParlane WEB







On the other side of our table were a couple more of my best cartoonist buddies, Dave Klug,and Michael McParlane.








Since I’d spent so much time kissing my cartoonist pals, I thought it only appropriate to lick my SpecialLadyFriend, Klamelda, on the face. The lighting in this photo is pretty psychedelic but I don’t think I can blame the open bar on this one. For the record, we did not have radioactive dust smeared on our faces.








DanKateTonyCliftonWBOn another night, under the influences of a different open bar (there are a lot of open bars at the NCS convention, I’m afraid) my good buddies Kate McParlane (Michael’s wife) and Dan McConnell are goofing off with costumes. Dan thought he was dressed up as Elvis but he was actually just a bushy mustache away from Andy Kaufman’s famous “Tony Clifton.”Dan JimmyHo WEB







Same night with me and JimmyHo.WaynoBand WEB





Lastly, we have a nice shot of Wayno and his band, The Chalk Outlines. They played the final night party on Sunday and were fabulous. Wayno was on harmonica and vocals, Dave Klug on drums, and three non-cartoonist musicians. (Sorry I don’t have your names, guys. You were all delightful and I enjoyed meeting you but, again, the open bar prevented me from remembering your names.)

All in all, a great weekend and lots of fun. I’ll leave you now with a pic of one of the many boards they had lying around for all of us to draw on and sign. Click it for a larger view. (I hope. You can never depend on the formatting of these long blog posts with multiple images and limited copy. Sorry if it is all screwed up!)CartoonBoardWEB