
Bay of Cartoonist Pig

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro is brought to you today by Fuzzy History.

When I first wrote the cartoon at left I smiled and said, “Oh, what a clever boy am I.” I mistakenly thought I’d written a pretty funny cartoon. But apparently, to many readers, the fact that the nationality of the riders of the motorcycle in question was wrong, it completely ruined the cartoon and made me look like a fool. Here’s an example of one of the emails I received:

“Hey, dumbass. Che Guevara and Alberto Granado were Argentine, not Cuban. WTF?”

Okay, you caught me. I made a mistake and I’m big enough to admit it. I saw the movie when it first came out and really enjoyed it but I didn’t remember all of the details. Here’s what I remember: two latino guys rode a motorcycle all over the place and it broke down a lot. One of them ended up in Cuba dressed like that guy that you always see on T-shirts. He was very handsome and got an Independent Spirit Award.

Below is the revised version, should you want to email it to your history-buff friends without fear of reprisal.









At least it was just a stupid cartoon and not a history text book.