
Pies, Clowns, Smut

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro is brought to you today by Patriotic Wedding Wear.

Here’s another gag from my known accomplice,Wayno. I admit I did very little to change this one, as you’ll find out from his blog entry about it. I did add the orange sign in the background.

I know from experience that there are a dozen-or-so of you who read the copy in these posts and leave comments. But I’m beginning to believe that the overwhelming majority of people just read the cartoons and move on. I don’t blame them, I don’t read long blogs, either. But it’s time consuming to produce these posts and I’m wondering if there is any point to it when I could be using that time to chase rainbows and unicorns through fields of wildflowers or Tweet things I saw on my way to the store. Maybe I should just post the cartoon and a short sentence about it and leave it at that. Let me know your thoughts. Especially those of you who have not read this far.

Here is a cartoon sketch that I drew some time ago but it was considered a little too racy for the newspaper funny pages so I never submitted it. Hope you like it.


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