3 Very Hot Cartoons
Bizarro is brought to you today Promises Vs. Reality.
As you read this, I am in Austin, Texas, visiting my daughters and melting like a pair of wax lips in a toaster oven. The forecast for today is 106 degrees F. If I can just make it through this day, tomorrow’s high is forecast to be 2 degrees cooler, so that will be a refreshing relief.
And if the heat in Austin gets too oppressive, my daughters and I will be heading up to Oklahoma on the weekend for a family wedding. The forecast for Tulsa today is a quaint 113 degrees. I grew up there and am confident in saying it has not been that hot there in my lifetime. I thought you had to ship out to Afghanistan to suffer like that.
I will now toss a shout out to my buddy and regular blog reader, David Ebinger, who is stationed in Afghanistan at this very moment. And to all my buddies in the armed forces in some desert somewhere, I’ll be suffering with you for a few days. Of course, I’ll be wearing a thong and flipflops, somewhat less than you will. Sorry about that. I’ll go out in the sun with a snowsuit, a pack of encyclopedias on my back and a metal colander on my head to get a feel for what you guys are going through. Then I’ll run back inside to the AC. Yes, it’s brave young men and women like you who enable me to be a sissy in freedom here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.
About these cartoons:
1) Most of my neighbors here in Brooklyn are suing each other, so this first gag appealed to me.
2) Every time my plane lands, over 50% of the passengers make a phone call and have this exact conversation. Please stop it.
3) What just happened between these two?