Olive & Popeye Featured Image

Olive & Popeye

Randy Milholland & Emi Burdge


About Olive & Popeye

Did you know that Olive Oyl had a life before Popeye? That’s right! Ten years before Popeye stepped onto the scene and stole her heart, Olive Oyl was the star of Thimble Theatre, a comic about the entire Oyl family. There was Olive, her brother Castor, parents Nana and Cole, sister-in-law Cylinda, countless cousins, and Olive’s terrible (ex) boyfriend, Ham Gravy.

Popeye also has a great big family! There’s his absentee father, Pappy, his two adoptive dads, Whaler Joe and Davy Jones (yes THAT Davy Jones), his Ma, his Granny, his Aunt Jones, and of course his beloved adopted boykid, Swee’ Pea.

Originated by Shadia Amin (Aggretsuko, Spider-Ham) and Randy Milholland (Popeye, Something Positive), with Olive’s story now told by Emi Burdge, this strip shares what Olive and Popeye get up to when they’re not together — from Olive’s yoga classes with her pal Mae, to Popeye trying to keep his parents from challenging each other to a death match!

Meet the Creators

  • Emi Burdge Featured Image

    Emi Burdge

    Emi Burdge graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Sequential Art. They’ve been working professionally as a freelance artist for 15 years, working in an assortment of styles. They’ve done work with many groups promoting Girl and Women empowerment, and see Olive Oyl as a beacon of feminine strength. […]

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  • Randy Milholland Featured Image

    Randy Milholland

    Randy Milholland is best known as the creator of the pioneering Something Positive webcomic, which has been running since 1999. He is also the latest cartoonist to write and draw Popeye for King Features after creating a special Popeye series for Popeye’s Cartoon Club in 2020. He lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his partner […]

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  • Shadia Amin Featured Image

    Shadia Amin

    Shadia Amin is a Colombian comics artist and illustrator. She graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA and MFA in Sequential Art and a BFA Minor in Illustration. She has drawn many comics, including Into the Spider-verse: Spider-Ham graphic novels with Scholastic & Marvel and Aggretsuko with Lion Forge & […]

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