
Simply Sensational! Women’s Night Out!

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

I’m presenting this Thursday, May 4 in Welland, Ontario at the Sparrow Lakes Golf Course at:

SIMPLY SENSATIONAL: A fun and inspirational event for Women only!

I’ll be showing a Power Point presentation of specially selected Between Friends strips and giving you the inside scoop on where my ideas come from, reader response, anecdotes from the comic strip business and behind-the-scenes insights from some Between Friends story arcs.

My presentation is just part of the evening…THERE’S MORE!

Here are the details for the evening:

Simply Sensational

Thursday, May 4 @ Sparrow Lakes Golf Course on 105 Pelham Road, Welland, Ontario

Doors open @ 6

Tickets are $25 which includes hors d’oeuvres. Cash Bar.

Fashion Show by Lilies Boutique, Stevensville Garden Gallery, Dr. Carrie E. Rongits-Naturopath and yours truly.

Vendors, Raffle Baskets, and I will be selling/signing my latest Between Friends collection: Death of a Saleswoman.

Purchase tickets:

Txt Christine 905-933-6562 or Julie 905-329-5870 or E-mail [email protected]

Proceeds will go towards the St. Elizabeth Church Building project.