
Timeline – 1962 Part 1

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Beetle Bailey Sunday page color proof, January 28, 1962.

In the early 1960s, Sarge was being featured in more Beetle Bailey gags than any other character. Although Beetle was still the star of the strip, Sarge had become the most reliable supporting player.

In this classic Sunday page, Sarge’s appearance has changed dramatically after he returns from a two week furlough at the “Fats-Off Ranch.” Sarge discovers that the new image has diminshed his commanding presence with the men.

Sarge was plumper in the 1960s than he is today. We are more sensitive now to people who struggle with their weight. Being fat isn’t considered as funny as it used to be.

Here is a 1962 model sheet that shows Sarge at his most corpulent.

Another interesting note in the Sunday page above is the misspelling of Sarge’s last name in the second panel. It’s “Snorkel” not “Snorkle.”

Stay tooned as we continue to feature more colorful Sunday pages from the 1960s.

– Brian Walker