Editor’s Dispatch: All About Submissions!
People frequently ask us what they can do if they want to become a syndicated cartoonist! The answer? Send us a submission packet!
King Features has an open submissions policy: that means that you can send us your comics anytime, year round.
We only accept submissions by mail, not email. You can find all the information on how to submit your comics to us here on the King Features website.
In order to submit a comic, here are some tips to keep in mind from the submissions department:
–You need to send at least 24 samples. This means that, ideally, you haven’t just drawn 24 comics. Draw many more than 24 and send your BEST. It will help you get practice for the job of drawing a strip daily!
–We prefer samples in black and white. This is because some papers still print in black and white, and we want to make sure your comics will look good anywhere.
–Don’t make your submission fancy. You don’t need to send us a binder or folder or plastic sleeves. That just costs more money for you.
–Whatever you do, DON’T send originals! They could get lost. Send nice photocopies of your work.
–We read every single submission, but we don’t respond unless there’s a high likelihood we want to work with you. The world of syndicated comics is highly competitive, and we get a lot of amazing comics that are either not right for us, or not right for us right now. Lack of response means we don’t have a spot for your comic right now; it doesn’t mean your work isn’t any good!
–If you don’t hear from us after several months, try sending another submission with different work from what you sent before. It’s unlikely we’ll be interested in syndicating something we’ve already seen, but send us a new idea or new strips for a refined version of your idea if you want to try again. It’s always good to keep practicing and keep improving!