
Editor’s Dispatch: Happy Cyber Monday!

By Tea Fougner

Happy Cyber Monday, all!

Since you’re already on Comics Kingdom, it’s a good bet you know someone else who loves comics, too! And many of our cartoonists have nifty items for sale that a comics lover in your life just might be thrilled to get as a gift this holiday season. Here are some highlights:

There are two great collections of Mary Worth comics from Karen Moy and Joe Giella:


Love and Other Stories– Buy it here

Searching and Other Stories– Buy it here!



Hopalong Jughaid,” by John Rose, is first new Snuffy Smith comic book story since 1970, will appear in Charlton Spotlight #9 Order it online here! It will also be on sale in comics shops right around Christmas! 

John also has a Snuffy Smith book collection, The Bodacious Best of Snuffy Smith. Buy it here! 

Kevin Frank of Heaven’s Love Thrift Shop has two books:

One is about his experiences as an American living in Canada Called True North. Buy it here! 

and Balaam’s Chicken, a book of Bible Cartoons. Buy it here!

John Hambrock of The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee has a great collection of Edison Lee Comics:

The Edison Files: Notes from the Lab Buy it Here!

And you can find other Fun Edison Lee merchandise at his online shop!

You can also buy this neat tee shirt featuring Gwen from Intelligent Life by David Reddick:

Buy it at the Intelligent Life Store!

And for those of you searching for Hannukah gifts, check out Hannukomics by Hilary Price:


 Buy it here!

And of course, remember, that you can purchase ANY comic strip you see on Comics Kingdom as a print, or on any number of cool gift items, just by clicking the “buy print” or “buy stuff” links below the comic!

Happy shopping!!!!