Tuesday’s Top Ten Comics: Veteran’s Day Comics
In honor of today being Veteran’s Day, we offer this comics’ tribute to the men and women who give it their all, day in and day out, while serving their country in the armed forces. We salute and thank you for your service, sacrifice and bravery.
1. Sarge and Otto of “Beetle Bailey” honor the fallen.

2. Pet therapy proves once again why dog really is man’s best friend.

3. Skyler gets a history lesson from a veteran.

4. Finding the humor in honoring our veterans is a delicate balance.

5. Curtis sounds the bell to let freedom ring.
7. Dagwood talks to Elmo about real superheroes.

8. Beetle Bailey is reminded why what he does day-to-day is so important.

9. Moms are she-roes too!
10. From the mouth of babes …
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