
News Around the Kingdom: Halloween Fun and Fan Art

By ComicsKingdom Admin

Greetings Comics Kingdom Fans!

Happy Friday and Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate this trick-or-treat, candy-filled holiday! If you didn’t read “Ask A Cartoonist” on Wednesday, please treat yourself by reading it here. Maybe you’ll even get a great Halloween costume idea or two.

David Reddick kicked off Halloween week with a character-filled Sunday comic that is eye candy for comics fans! Look closely, and you will see several Comics Kingdom characters, who make cameos, including Stuart from “Retail.” “Intelligent Life” fans have been sharing their own Halloween fan art as well.

 Intelligent Life by David Reddick, Sunday, October 26, 2014

In other news …

Jonathan Mahood, (“Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog”) winds down Inktober with some final sketches …

Brian Walker (“Hi & Lois”) shares a Halloween-themed “Tracy Twins” comic that shows how one bright idea can have unintended consequences …

Terri Libenson announced she will be participating in Local Author Day in Cleveland …

Edison Lee is planning a trip to Mars and he won’t be going alone …

Dennis the Menace stands up against bullying


Thanks to a reader’s gag suggestion, Dan Piraro imagines what a slow day in Gotham City looks like …

Hilary Price (“Rhymes With Orange”) raises the question: “Were Mark Twain and Colonel Sanders separated at birth?”

While, Rina Piccolo (“Tina’s Groove”) ponders “Digital vs. Ink: Why Must We Choose?” …

A new “On the Fastrack” collection entitled “Crypt Warming” will be published …

Finally, John Rose (“Barney Google and Snuffy Smith”) will be a guest at the first-ever New River Community College Comic Con in Dublin, Virginia on Saturday. Stop by and say hello to him if you are in the area!

Thanks for catching up on this week’s News Around the Kingdom! 

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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