
Tuesday’s Top Ten: Hammock Comics!

By ComicsKingdom Admin

Every Tuesday, we post 10 comics on a theme. Today is National Hammock Day, so today’s comics are all about hammocks!

1. Dustin is following orders to get some fresh air:

 2. Dagwood from Blondie is also enjoying the great outdoors:

3.  Is this what Loretta Lockhorn meant by “yard work”?:

4. Dolly from Family Circus is hoping this tree will be the start of her hammock:

 5. Rhymes with Orange demonstrates one way to hold up a hammock:

 6. On summer nights, Skip from Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog just likes to relax:

 7. Over in Mutts, it is nap time:

 8. On no! What kind of hammock is Oscar from Arctic Circle laying in?:

9. Hmmm. Where is Beetle Bailey?:

10. And finally, Helga has an idea to get Hägar the Horrible out of a hammock!:

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