Tuesday’s Top Ten: Frog Comics
Every Tuesday, we post 10 comics on a theme. Today is Frog Jumping Day, so today’s comics are all about frogs!
1. Mutts tells us what frogs want in their soup:
2. Bizarro explains why frogs have to do extra housework:
3. Arctic Circle hypothesizes on why frog species are declining:
4. Is Curtis interested in frog facts? Hmm let’s see:
6. And this Six Chix comic wants the frog-to-person transformation to happen faster:
7. But what happens when the Frog Prince does finally get a heir? Rhymes with Orange explains:
8. What does it mean that frogs are amphibious? This Dustin comic “explains”:
9. Mutts reminds us that frogs love the summer:
10. And finally, Skip from Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog is dealing with very smart frogs!
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