
Tuesday’s Top Ten: Spring Comics!

By ComicsKingdom Admin

Every Tuesday, we post 10 comics on a theme. In celebration of the first day of spring, this week’s Top Ten comics are all about the new season!

1. Sally Forth thinks spring is in the air! But does her family agree?

 2. When can Hi & Lois start cleaning the yard?

 3. What happens every spring to Refurb from Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog?

 4. Mutts explains the first “signs” of the new season:


  5. Dagwood from Blondie is excited for BBQ:

 6. Hägar the Horrible looks forward to the “promise” of spring in this comic strip:

 7. What is the first robin of spring thinking in this Six Chix strip?

8. A different kind of “Robin” is in this Bizarro strip:


9. The Sandman and the Hay Fever Fairy make their spring rounds in this Rhymes with Orange strip:

 10. And finally, Dustin‘s mom is ready for spring cleaning! Is the rest of her family?


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