Tuesday’s Top Ten: Pets Comics!
Every Tuesday, we post 10 comics on a specific topic. This Thursday is Love Your Pet Day, so this week’s Top Ten comics feature some of our favorite strips about pets!
1. Is this a new breed of dog in this Bizarro strip?
2. Dennis the Menace tell his cat, Hot Dog, a secret:
3. What happens with your cat’s funny video goes viral? This Six Chix strip explains:
4. The Baby Blues family is considering a new pet to help with housework:
5. Skip from Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog is reminded of the challenges of his pet:
6. This Rhymes with Orange strip shows us training humans is as hard as training pets:
7. The Family Circus kids need to work a bit on dog training:
8. Buckles and his owner Paul seem to have a lot in common:
9. It seems a little too cold for an outdoor bath in this Mother Goose & Grimm strip:
10. And finally, the Mutts strip captures why pets can be so wonderful:
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