
Looking back on lice

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

It’s Flashback Week here at Pajama Diaries, and we’re looking back at the “lice” story line of 2012. Remember this?


Yechhh. Knock wood, I never experienced it personally (I’m sure I jinxed myself). But I have plenty of friends whose kids have contracted it. There’s only one word used to describe the process of getting rid of these vermin: nightmarish.

For research, I rounded up everyone I knew who had dealt with it and asked them to tell their stories. It became an anecdotal dumping ground. By the end, I felt I had enough material. To further the tension, I thought it would be fun to boot Rob out of the scenario and have Jill deal with it herself. I know, not nice.


Famous last words, girl. Anyway, Jill was left to nit-pick and sanitize while emotions ran high. Of course, while Jess was afflicted, Amy managed to make the situation about her.


Meanwhile, Jill had no idea what she was doing and was trying to find ways to de-bug Jess while avoiding poisoning her with toxins. She finally settled on the flat iron method.


The result?


Granted, this is a condensed version of a two-week series. No picnic. It’s a tribute to everyone out there who’s had to deal with lice. Hats off to you.

And if I may — don’t let anyone share that hat.