We at King Features pause to honor our veterans here a few days before Veterans Day, which falls on 11 November, or what we used to call “Armistice Day.” That was the name given to mark the day World War I ended, which has been over now 95 years.
Perhaps it was too hasty to declare that conflict “the war to end all wars.” Since then, there have been more wars of different sizes, so there always will be veterans of them. The Veteran’s Administration was established in 1930 to provide general government help to Vets, assistance with educational, housing and medical issues foremost.
From 1970 to about 1984, the Veteran’s Administration ran PSAs for (mostly small town and weekly) newspapers using a wide variety of nationally known comic strip stars from every syndicate. The purpose of these ads was to highlight some of the ways the VA could help Vets. Here’s a gang of KFS and NAS stars, in no particular order, doing their bit in these episodes of “SO SAYS THE VA.”
Yours Truly,