
Bear Necessity

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

bz panel 04-26-13Bizarro is brought to you today by Bathroom Humor.

If you’re one of my readers from a non-English-speaking society, you may have been puzzled by this. I don’t know if the old adage depicted in this cartoon is used anywhere other than the U.S., but here, if someone asks a question for which the answer is painfully obvious, like, “Is Congress full of spineless weasels who are owned by corporations and special interest groups?” the other person says, “Does a bear shit in the woods?” (Alternate versions reference the Pope being Catholic, the Pope being Italian, the Pope shitting in the woods, etc. I’m not sure in what ways the Pope is like a bear.)

This gag was a collaboration with my good buddy, Cliff Harris the King of Wordplay. This one isn’t wordplay, so I guess Cliff was taking time off from his regular duties when he came up with this concept. Is it juvenile? Yes. Did it make me laugh when I first saw the idea? Yes again. Somewhere inside us all is a little kid who still giggles at bathroom humor. Or maybe I’m just speaking for myself.