
Lobby Buffoonery

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro is brought to you today by Creepy Strangers.

Clowns are another favorite and recurring theme for me as a cartoonist, even though I kind of hate them in real life. Even as a child I didn’t trust them. To me, it was a human in a disguise acting weird and trying to get me to like them. I couldn’t see the difference between them and other strangers with candy that my parents had warned me about. I’m still very uncomfortable around clowns and prefer to move away from them.

Now I know that most people who do the clown thing are nice folks who just want to make people laugh or whatever, so don’t start complaining that I’m calling all clowns pedophiles. Only a small percentage of them are. Like priests.

This fun little ditty was a collaboration with my known associate, Wayno.  He’s a clever little monkey and is particularly good at clown gags. Here’s my favorite of his, I think, which is one that he wrote and drew for me as a guest cartoonist back in a former year. Words cannot express how much I like that gag. Well, yes, they can; I like it SO much.

Wayno has an entertaining blog of his own and here’s what he says about today’s cartoon.