
Sunday Punnies #28

By Jeremy Meltingtallow










(To embiggen this cartoon to a largerest size, click on the barking dog.)

Bizarro is brought to you today by The Power of Puns.

Welcome to the 28th edition of my Sunday Punnies, in which I illustrate pun suggestions from readers like you. Today’s congratulations go to Doug Folmer, Bruce Nichols, and Barry St. (street?) Vitus. If you’d like to submit a pun for a future edition, follow these simple guidelines:

1. Leave your pun idea in the comments section of this post. Remember to tell me what name you’d like me to use at the bottom if I choose it. Any name is fine, as long as it can be printed in the paper.

2. Your pun must be original, as far as you know. Don’t send in something you’ve heard or seen elsewhere. Each time I do this, I get a number of puns that people think of themselves but that have already been done. A short list follows: carpool tunnel syndrome, reptile dysfunction, carrion luggage, carrion my wayward son, accu-puncher.

3. Your comment with your idea will NOT appear in the comments section. I moderate all comments and DO NOT post the ones with pun suggestions, so as not to ruin the fun should I choose it or offer you up for ridicule if it is particularly awful.

4. By suggesting a pun, you agree that you will get no compensation other than the fun of seeing your name and idea in Bizarro. The copyright will be mine forever.

That’s all there is to it. Have fun, Jazz Pickles, and send me some great stuff for another edition of Bizarro’s Sunday Punnies!

P.S. One reader said they didn’t understand the Abraham Incan gag. Lincoln was known for winning rail-splitting contests before he became a politician. Apparently, chopping wood quickly passed for entertainment in 19th century Illinois.