
Gray Matters

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

(To make it big like a rhino’s butt, click any brain in a jar.)

Bizarro is brought to you by Halloween HORROR!

Once you’ve recovered from the image below that first link, dear reader, I encourage you to click on the above image and view it large because I put a lot of effort into this art.  And I added a few small jokes on the wall posters that I don’t want you to miss, but with screen resolution be so low on computer, I fear you’ll not be able to read them. On the poster behind Frank it says, “Diversity — Because you’re made of different people.” On the anatomy poster behind the mad doctor, the hands are labeled as “Paws,” the thigh label says “Lap,” the legs tag says “Getaway Sticks,” the feet say “Dogs.”  I thought this was a fun, non-traditional Halloween cartoon that you might enjoy. If you did not enjoy it, please don’t tell me; I live for your approval.

The picking-Frank’s-brain idea came from my buddy, Cliff, King of Word Play. He’s a peachy fella. I very much enjoyed composing this picture of Cliff’s vision. I hope I did it justice.