
The Glossary

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

One of my favorite formulas utilized in PD is “The Parents’ Glossary of Terms.”  These are fun and challenging to write.  Here’s one from July:

Glossary of Terms - Perfectioning

I usually throw in one “Glossary” strip per month for a couple of reasons:

  1. Typically a single panel format, it breaks up the 3 or 4-panel ones that are usually published during the week.
  2. It’s verbally playful. In fact, much like my regular dialog/narrative combo, the Glossary also contains two jokes in one.
  3. It’s easy to illustrate (most of the time).
  4. If I get really stuck incorporating an idea into a longer strip, I’ll try it out with the Glossary, and often it works.
  5. I’m hoping if I create enough of ‘em, someone will want to turn them into a book or calendar (hint, hint, publishers). I probably do have enough by now.

This month, I threw readers for a loop (um, did anyone notice? anyone?) and created my first “Glossary of Proverbs” strip. It was fun to step outside the box a little with the verbiage. Glossary of Terms - Provebb

Here are a few personal favorites from the not-so-distant past:

Glossary of Terms - Jobcation

Glossary of Terms - Stressting

Glossary of Terms - Vacation Duaration

I got downright mathematical with that last one. You should’ve seen me refreshing my algebra skills. It wasn’t pretty.

Anyway, as long as writing the Glossary strips continues to challenge and tickle me, I’ll continue. If you have any ideas, feel free to share some!