
How (Not) to Kickflip a Skateboard Comic Strip

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

I was in a sweet little cafe (Pigeon Hole) in Hobart when I came across a great magazine called Soda. One of the articles (see page 39) really grabbed me – how to kickflip a skateboard. Now the last time I got on a skateboard I was about 9 years old and on my cousins’ very steep driveway… I’ve never been on one since (being fond of intact limbs, etc.), but I still find skate culture fascinating and can easily while away valuable brainstorming time watching kids who are much less risk-averse than me doing crazy things at the skate bowl in Elsternwick Park. So I left it to Oscar the Penguin to see if he could master the kickflip and this is the resulting Sunday cartoon.