
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

By ComicsKingdom Admin

For many of us, Mother’s Day is fast approaching. If you are looking for gift ideas that will make Mom smile and keep her entertained long after the flowers fade, we’ve got you covered.  A high-quality print of one of her favorite comics and a gift subscription to DailyINK make a perfect gift because it will be a daily reminder to your mother of how much she means to you.



Family Circus – March 8, 2012

Here are a few other suggestions of DailyINK prints that we think Moms will love.

Zits – March 15, 2012

Gil – February 1, 2012

Baby Blues – October 19, 2012

Pajama Diaries – March 16, 2012

For more information on ordering prints, click here.

Or, how about a gift that’s good all year long? Each day, when Mom opens her customized daily email or accesses the DailyINK mobile app, she will think of you and smile. DailyINK is a Mother’s Day gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, no matter what the season, reason or holiday.

Click here to purchase a gift subscription.

As always, for every DailyINK gift subscription you purchase, we’ll add a month to your current membership!

We’ve also put together a list of “Top Picks for Mom’s Reading Pleasure,” which includes:

The Pajama Diaraies: Deja To-Do *Autographed Copy signed by Terri Libenson


Jeremy and Mom: A ZITS Retrospective That You Should Definitely Buy For Your Mom

Last but not least, you can sign, seal and deliver your Mother’s Day gift with a Pajama Diaries greeting card from cartoonist Terri Libenson.

Check them all out here: http://www.cafepress.com/pajamadiaries

If you are a mother, we want to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day! And, don’t forget Father’s Day will be here before you know it!