
Pill Banjo Head

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro is brought to you today by Awesome Logos.

Whenever I operate heavy machinery, the overwhelming responsibility of it overwhelms me. As well it should. When I’m operating a backhoe or wrecking ball, the knowledge that the slightest misstep can send tons of steel in the wrong direction causing destruction, injury, or even death, weighs heavily on me. I find that the only way I can bear this kind of deadly power in my hands is to be dead drunk. Thank goodness for cheap vodka.

On a lighter note, here is a cartoon snapshot of a musician who is out of ‘toon. That last word is short for “cartoon,” of course, so it has a double meaning! Hahahahaha! The guitar player at far left is me and the one at far right is Tiny Tony T. Smith, my good friend and an excellent musician in the real world. Tony recorded and mixed my original songs for me last summer and one day I still hope to post them online for people to download or something. I don’t know how to do that and I am too busy and lazy to figure it out.

The banjo and giant violin player are just random guys I hired to pose for this cartoon. They aren’t even musicians.

Finally, this cartoon asks the philosophical question: If you had the absolutely perfect-sized head, would it give you a big head? This poor schmuck found out the answer the hard way. Good luck getting that sweater off over your head.

You want Bizarro cartoons on stuff?

You want Bizarro cartoons in a book?

You want Bizarro cartoons in another cartoon?

AND…by special request from a Jazz Pickle, here is a bonus image of the “toon” cartoon in its strip form. Enjoy!