GIL Launches January 2nd!
It’s almost here! GIL will be launching this Monday in newspapers and on the web!
We’ve changed the GIL development blog at Going forward, it will be a blog and home base for all GIL related news. You can also follow GIL on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter for the latest news about the strip.
Early in the New Year will begin including daily installments and an archive of the comic itself, but we’re waiting on some new software. I will be sure to announce that when it happens. Until then, you can still read GIL on the web through King Features’ digital services DailyINK, and Comics Kingdom.
If you have a smartphone, or tablet, I highly recommend the DailyINK app, which is available for both the Apple and Android markets.
Thank you to the many friends and fans who have wished me well with GIL, and followed the strip over the years. It’s been a long journey – one that I hope will continue for years to come.
Happy New Year!